
Facilities Chemical Waste

Facilities Chemical Waste

LSC Facilities Department has different types of hazardous wastes than laboratories on campus. This department will follow a different set of guidelines for waste disposal. This is not a complete list of facilities waste. Proper disposition of all waste is the responsibility of each department.

Collection and Storage of Hazardous Chemical Waste Procedures

Mercury can be found in major appliances, vehicles, temperature control devices, etc. The mercury found in these devices is usually found in the form of switches. All mercury switches must be managed as universal or hazardous waste. Examples of appliances that may contain mercury switches include chest freezers, washing machines, gas ovens, electric or gas space heaters, commercial gas water heaters, gas furnaces, boilers, gas refrigerators, gas air conditioners, dryers and microwave ovens.
If you find any mercury containing device that is leaking or has spilled, contact the campus Facilities Department immediately or call the LSC Police Dispatch at X5911 (campus phone) or (281) 290-5911 (cell phone).

  1. Waste Oil
    Waste oil can be found in many types of compressors, pumps, transmissions, etc.
    • Collect waste oil in a clean drum. If oil is collected in a used container, rinse the container and deface any labels. Since oil is recycled, ensure it is not cross contaminated with other materials.
    • Containers must be closed. A bung must be in place on all drums when oil is not being added.
    • Label the container when oil is first added. Label as "waste oil". Include the start date (date oil first added to the container) and the generator.
    • Once the container is full, no longer needed, or within nine (9) months from the start date, prepare for shipment to an authorized waste facility.
  2. Oil Filters
    • Drain oil filters and collect the waste oil as described above.
    • Once completely drained, place the oil filters in a container and label as "waste oil filters", include the date and the owner.
    • Bring the waste filters to the LSC Facilities Department waste storage site for shipment to an authorized waste facility.
  3. Waste Oil with Other Solvents
    • Collect the waste in a clean container. Deface any old labels if reusing a container.
    • Keep the container tightly sealed except when waste is being added.
    • Label the container with the:
      • words "hazardous waste" and list the contents.
      • hazardous class such as toxic, corrosive, or flammable
      • physical state such as solid, liquid, or gas
      • owner, and
      • start date.
    • Once the container is full, no longer needed, or within nine (9) months from the start date, prepare for shipment to an authorized waste facility.
    • If the volume reaches 55 gallons or more, the date that it reached 55 gallons (full date) must be written on the label and it must be brought to the LSC Facilities Department waste storage site for shipment to an authorized waste facility within three (3) days of reaching that volume.
    • Label containers with unknown contents as "unknown material". A charge for analysis may apply.
  4. Mercury Containing Devices


  • Store all containers in the campus shop area.
  • No outside storage is allowed unless the area is covered and a berm is in place to prevent leaking materials from entering a storm drain.
  • Once a container is full, no longer being used, or is nine (9) months old, prepare for disposal at an authorized Waste Facility at the designated times or make an appointment (do not store excessive waste in your shop area).
  • All hazardous waste must be labeled with a Hazardous Waste Tag or Label.

Empty Containers

  • Empty containers that once contained a hazardous substance and are greater than five (5) gallons must be disposed of as hazardous waste.
  • The empty container must be labeled with a hazardous waste tag and brought to the campus Facilities Department for disposal.
  • Empty containers that are equal to or less than five (5) gallons can be rinsed and defaced. Once they are clean they can be thrown into the trash, reused, or recycled (where applicable).


  • You must have a completed Waste Tag or Drum Label.
  • Every deliver must be accompanied by a completed LSC Facilities Request form. 
  • All containers must be sealed.
    • Drums are secured with a bung and/or drum ring.
    • Bags are taped or tied (double bagged).
    • Asbestos bags are not acceptable for any waste accept asbestos.
  • Bring an appropriate vehicle - (lift gate, tie downs, etc).
  • Drums cannot be overfilled [liquid level four (4) inches from the top].
  • Contact the campus Facilities Department if you are unable to bring the container safely to the appropriate area to arrange for pick up.

Shipping on a Hazardous Waste Manifest Directly From Your Location
All of the hazardous waste manifests for the campus are managed centrally by the LSC Facilities Department for hazardous waste regulatory reporting. It is important that all original copies of hazardous waste manifests are sent to the campus Facilities Manager immediately after the shipment is sent. The mailing address must also include the campus Facilities Department so that the return copy that comes back from the receiving facility will be appropriately filed.

Contact the campus Facilities Department before shipping hazardous waste yourself.

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