
LSC-Tomball Visiting Student Checklist

LSC-Tomball StudentsYou are considered a LSC Visiting Student if you are taking classes at another institution while simultaneously taking credit classes at LSC that will be transferred to your primary college. 

It is your responsibility to ensure LSC courses are transferrable to your home institution. LSC cannot guarantee transferability.

Important Dates

May Mini-mester Registration March 3- May 12
Summer I Registration March 3- June 2
Summer II Registration     March 3 - July 10
8-week Session 2 classes begin March 19
May Mini-mester classes begin May 12
Summer I classes begin June 2
Summer II classes begin    July 10

Register Now

Payment Dates

May Mini-mester May 3
Summer 2025 May 9

Payment Here

Important Phone Numbers & E-Mails at LSC-Tomball

General Information 281-351-3300 LSC-Tomball@LoneStar.edu
Admissions & Records 281-351-3389 TC-Admissions@LoneStar.edu
Advising 281-351-3310 TC-Advising@LoneStar.edu
Assessment/Testing Center 832-559-4245 TCTesting@LoneStar.edu
Bursar/Cashier Office 281-357-3754 TC-Cashier@LoneStar.edu 
Bookstore 281-351-3398 Tomball@bkstr.com
Counseling/Disability Services 281-351-3380 Carolyn.L.Williams@LoneStar.edu
Financial Aid 281-290-2700 TBFinaid@LoneStar.edu
Library 832-559-4211 TCRef@LoneStar.edu
MyLoneStar Help Desk 832-813-6600 OTS@LoneStar.edu
Outreach and Recruitment 281-357-3782 LoneStar.edu/Tomball-Outreach
Campus Tours 281-357-3782 LoneStar.edu/VisitLSC-Tomball
Transcripts 281-351-3389 TC-Transcripts@LoneStar.edu
Veteran Services 832-5192867 LSC-MilitaryServices@LoneStar.edu

Make LSC part of your story.