

Compensation Philosophy

Lone Star College will be a globally recognized model college with exceptional levels of success in student learning, student completion, gainful employment, equity and affordability. That success is dependent on our ability to attract and retain exceptional employees who collaboratively work to support students.

Our compensation and benefits programs are key factors in achieving educational success at Lone Star College. Our programs are built on several principles:

We will be externally competitive in pay opportunities
Pay ranges are based on an external market analysis. Our competitive market includes other educational institutions as well as private industry for certain positions.  We routinely assess our position within those markets and accordingly adjust to remain competitive.

We will maintain internal equity 
Lone Star College carefully considers how positions relate regarding individual scope and responsibilities. The College employs a systematic job-evaluation process that considers position levels. 

We will provide benefits meeting employee needs
Lone Star College provides an employee benefits package geared to meet employee needs.  We strive to provide offerings that are externally competitive.  Offerings are assessed each year and adjusted as determined and allowed by law.

We will be financially sustainable
Lone Star College will always conduct its operations in a way that is true to its fiduciary responsibilities to both its taxpayers and citizens.



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