
Student Loan Repayment

Borrow Smart

When borrowing keep in mind the following:

Only borrow what you NEED (Remember loans are easy to accept but they have to be repaid)
Choose subsidized loans first (U.S. Department of Education pays the interest on a Direct Subsidized Loan while enrolled and eligible or in grace period)
Rates can change over time
Stay on top of payments (Late payments affect your credit score)
You only get one grace period (If you graduate, leave school, or drop below 6 hours your grace period begins and you are not responsible for payments during this time)
Students do have the option to reduce the loan amount. If a student receives other types of financial aid (grants, scholarships, etc.) in addition to Stafford Loans, he/she may not qualify for the maximum amounts.

Loan Repayment

You need to be prepared to repay your student loans when you have completed your degree, or are no longer enrolled at least half time in an accredited program. Use the information below to make informed decisions on managing your loan payments and maintain good financial and legal standing.

Student Connections is a company that assists Lone Star College students with navigating the loan repayment process and helps to address any issues you may encounter. Student Connections may reach out to you by phone or email. You can talk to a borrower advocate at Student Connections by calling (866)311-9450.

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