
2014-2015 Catalog & Addenda

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Table of Contents
Catalog Cover  
Inside Cover
(Chancellor's Welcome)
(Table of Contents, Phone Numbers, Academic Calendar, Maps)
Pages 1 - 8
Accreditations and Affiliations
(Accreditations and Affiliations)
Page 9
General Information
(LSCS Mission, Values, Student Rights, Equal Opportunity, ADA, College Briefs, Policies)
Pages 10 - 38
(Admissions Policies and Procedures)
Pages 39 - 44
(Placement Scores, TSI, ESOL, Crosswalk)
Pages 45 - 53

Financial Information and Assistance
(Tuition, Fees, LSCS Foundation, Financial Aid)

Pages 54 - 65
Records, Policies, and Procedures
(Transcripts, Common Course Numbering)
Pages 66 - 69
Academic Policies, Procedures, and Services 
(Grading Standards, Library)
Pages 70 - 82
Student Development Programs and Services
(Counseling, Student Conduct)
Pages 83 - 86
Graduation Requirements
(Programs of Instruction, Core Perspectives)
Pages 87 - 93
Degrees & Certificate Options
(Degree Requirements, Field of Study, University Center, Star Chart, Course Revision Crosswalk)
94 - 117
Degrees and Certificates
(Accounting - Live Entertainment Technology)
118 - 169
Degrees and Certificates 
(Logistics - Welding/Metal Sculpture)
169 - 212
Description of Courses
(ACCT 2401 - INDS 2310)
213 - 278
Description of Courses
(INDS 2311 - WLDG 2453)
279 - 343
Personnel Section  Pages
344 - 425
Index Pages
426 - 440

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