
FearLess Experiences

In addition to hearing FearLess stories and attending FearLess workshops, Grit Summit 2019 attendees will also have the opportunity to participate in a FearLess Experience. These experiences will be hands-on, challenging, and thought provoking. 

Escape Rooms

As in life, our escape room offers you a chance to challenge your fears, grow your grit, and accomplish your ultimate goal – escape our room or be trapped with fear. If you are willing to unearth clues, take advantage of opportunities, collaborate, and persist, you’ll be able to unlock the door and escape before time runs out.

The escape room will be offered at two different times (see Grit Summit Agenda). Attendees will know which time they will participate in the escape room when they check in for the Grit Summit.  Click here to hold your escape room slot.

Fear Tour

During the fear tour, attendees will come face to face with neophobia, acrophobia, kinetopophobia, and phobophobia as they take a trip to visit our Anatomage table, Virtual Reality room, and Game of Fears room.  No need to be frightened.  What you will encounter on this tour will change how you think about the many fears we all have.  


Make LSC part of your story.