- Dual Credit & Early College High School Programs
- Eligibility & Enrollment
Eligibility & Enrollment
To be eligible for dual credit you must:
- Be enrolled in high school with an agreement with Lone Star College
- Obtain approval from the high school designee for dual credit enrollment
- Complete college admissions requirements for exceptional admissions into the dual credit program
- Meet minimum college readiness test scores in reading, writing, math and/or prerequisites for the course(s) you want to take for dual credit.
Apply for Dual Credit How to Get Started
Discover Dual Credit program offerings at Lone Star College at LoneStar.edu/Programs or explore in demand careers at LoneStar.edu/Career-Star.
Talk with your high school counselor for program selection and next steps.
Choose a Major Programs of Study or contact a Dual Credit Advisor.
Review TSI requirements and exemptions based on program selection. Are you TSI exempt? If yes, go to Step 7.
Apply for admissions to Lone Star College
Are you taking classes on any LSC campus? Students attending on campus classes must satisfy the Bacterial Meningitis Vaccination Requirement.
Non-exempt students must complete state required Pre-assessment activity before taking the TSI assessment. Review results with parent & counselor.
Refresh & Relearn!
Take the TSI Assessment. Then meet with a College Counselor or College Connections Advisor to review TSI scores and next steps.
Complete Dual Credit/Exceptional Admissions Course Approval Form, and submit payment.
Optional FERPA Form
For more information about the enrollment process and Fall, Spring, and Summer Registration deadlines, please email or call the appropriate campus contact.
Note: Secondary Schools (ISD, charter, or private) may have a different deadline that supersedes Lone Star College's published deadline. Please confirm the secondary school's deadline with your high school counselor.