
LSC-Tomball Student Government Association

LSC-Tomball Student Government Association (SGA) Logo

Follow Us @lsct_sga on Instagram, Threads, and Flickr. Follow Us on Facebook @ Tomball Sga.

Role of LSC-Tomball Student Government 

The Student Government Association of LSC-Tomball serves as the umbrella organization representing the interests of all registered student organizations on campus and acts as the liaison between the organizations and campus leadership. Regardless of a student's involvement in clubs or other programs on campus, all students of LSC-Tomball are considered a member of the Student Government Association and have the ability to play an important role in the governance of student clubs and advocacy on behalf of the student body. It is the only student organization recognized by Lone Star College System as being the representative of the voices of students and student organizations to the leadership and administration of Lone Star College-Tomball. The LSC-Tomball SGA leadership also represent the student body of the campus at a local, system, regional, and state level by participating in such activities as meeting with legislators during Community College Day at the Capitol, presenting at campus and system conferences, organizing the regular Student Forum with the President, collaborating with offices and departments on campus and across the system, reaching out to other SGA organizations at sister campuses, and more. 

SGA and SAB Student Leaders at Involvement Fair SGA Table

SGA's Mission 

The Lone Star College-Tomball SGA provides a comprehensive connection between the Lone Star College-Tomball community by actively representing the student body through inclusive advocacy, teamwork, and fellowship.

LSC-Tomball SGA's Core Values

A former SGA leader makes heart hands at an event
  • Be Excited About What We Do

  • Respect Every Individual

  • Always Act With Integrity

  • Create Community Everywhere

  • Encourage And Practice Teamwork

  • Support And Grow Student Leaders

Meet the LSC-Tomball SGA Leadership 

President - Garrett Jordan Executive Vice President - Danna Munguia VP Outreach and Recruitment - Gwendolyn Crain
Garrett Jordan
Danna Munguia
Executive Vice President
Gwendolyn Crain
Vice President of Outreach and Recruitment

Major: English

Destination University:
University of Texas Austin
LSC-Tomball Clubs and Orgs:
  • Global Scholars
  • Student Worker LSC-Tomball Library and Extended Learning Center
Major: Business and Marketing
Destination University:
University of Texas at Austin
LSC-Tomball Clubs and Orgs:
  • Distinguished Global Scholar
  • Phi Theta Kappa
  • Disney Innovation and Leadership Academy
  • Honors College Leadership Program
  • National Model UN
Major: Law
Destination University:
University of Texas at Austin
LSC-Tomball Clubs and Orgs:
  • National Society of Leadership and Success
  • Phi Theta Kappa
  • National Model UN
  • Disney Innovation and Leadership Academy
  • Global Scholars
  • Honors College
  • Honors Merit Scholar
  • Seeking Light Student Org
General Secretary - Loreta Bajrami SGA Pack Leader - Mark Garcia
Loreta Bajrami
General Secretary
Mark Garcia
Finance Secretary

Major: Business Management

Destination University:
University of Houston

LSC-Tomball Clubs and Orgs:

  • TRIO 

  • Phi Theta Kappa

Major: Education
Destination University:
University of Texas at Austin
LSC-Tomball Clubs and Orgs
  • Phi Theta Kappa
  • Honors College
  • Global Scholars
    • Distinguished Global Scholar
    • Emissary
  • PTK Garden Chair
  • ECO Club

General Assemblies and Club Council Meetings

General Assemblies

Students collaborating at SGA General Assembly

General assembly meetings of the LSC-Tomball SGA occur at the beginning and end of each semester. ALL STUDENTS ARE WELCOME and encouraged to attend this event because it is a time where students can connect with campus leadership and administration, active student organizations on campus, provide direct feedback to those leading the campus, answer and ask important questions, and even get some free food and win some prizes in the process. At these meetings, campus leadership comes to the SGA and the student body to listen and answer questions that help improve the student experience and environment. At LSC-Tomball, the student voice will be the loudest, and we are here to make sure that general assembly is one more way that we reflect the idea that each student is the most important student.

General Assembly Meeting Dates and Locations for the Spring 2024 Semester (all meetings last from 2 - 3:30 PM)

  • February 8th, 2024, Room N103
  • May 2, 2024, Room S260

Club Council Meetings

SGA Officers at the Texas Capitol

Club Council Meetings are mandatory for all active registered student organizations at the LSC-Tomball campus. Each organization must send at least one, but no more than two, delegates to each SGA Club Council meeting to fulfill part of their funding requirements each year. At SGA Club Council meetings, student leaders representing all of the organizations are asked to consider feedback gathered at General Assembly meetings, dig deeper into issues and experiences of student organizations and students, collaborate to improve student experiences and increase the effectiveness of the student organizations, and to develop skills that help their organizations become more successful and effective. 

Club Council Meeting Dates and Locations for Spring 2024 Semester (all meetings last from 2-3:30 PM in listed rooms)

  • February 15, 2024 in S268
  • March 21, 2024 @ Vet Tech Building in VT102
  • April 18, 2024 @ Health Science Building SOTA Lab

Leadership Structure     

The LSC-Tomball SGA Officers are elected annually by the student body and represent a diverse array of interests, club involvements, and backgrounds. These officers are the only official organization designated by Lone Star College System to represent the interests of the students and the student organizations to the campus leadership at LSC-Tomball.

The Executive Council of the LSC-Tomball SGA is made up of the 6 elected officers; President, Executive Vice President, Vice President of Programs, Vice President of Outreach and Recruitment, General Secretary, and the Finance Secretary.

SGA meets monthly during the academic year with the SGA Club Council, a group of delegates from every active registered student organization at LSC-Tomball, which act similarly to a board of directors, guiding actions of SGA, giving input on campus culture and student organization needs, encouraging collaboration across student organizations, and giving feedback to SGA officers on important issues.

Twice per semester, the SGA officers call for a General Assembly that is open to every student at LSC-Tomball. General Assemblies are held in person and streamed online. To participate, a student must sign in with their valid student ID. The General Assembly is the ultimate governing body of the SGA, giving input on student needs, providing student feedback, and ratifying or rejecting proposals from the SGA officers and SGA Club Council. The mandatory responsibilities of the General Assembly attendees are to review and ratify or reject any changes to the SGA Constitution and Nomination and Election Rules as well as consider any resolutions proposed by SGA officers, committees, or SGA Club Council, as well as those that may be proposed during the assembly.

SGA Pack

SGA Pack Logo

Click the SGA Pack Logo to Volunteer.

The SGA Pack was created by the SGA leadership in the summer of 2022 to serve as an affiliate organization of SGA, where student leaders who desire to serve the student organizations, student body, and community can join together with other service-minded individuals to coordinate their efforts with SGA activities. Mark Garcia, and LSC-Tomball student majoring in mathematics, was named as the first SGA Pack Leader for the organization. This group is ideal for student leaders and student volunteers who believe they aren't ready yet to become an officer of SGA or another student organization or they have time constraints that prevent them from being a part of an organization that needs a consistent time commitment. For students who want to join as a volunteer with The SGA Pack, reach out to lsctsga@lonestar.edu or scan the QR Code in the banner. We can get you signed up and make sure that you get all the information about upcoming events and service opportunities we will have that may fit with your schedule. 

The LSC-Tomball SGA Pack engages in connection events and service activities like:
  • SGA Pack Game Days
  • Volunteering at local animal rescues and nonprofit organizations
  • Serving as volunteers as needed for on-campus student activities
  • Community shred and electronics recycling events

SGA Committee Meetings

Students enjoying an LSC-Tomball SGA Event Each year students from the LSC-Tomball student body serve on the standing committees for the SGA (Nominations and Elections, Administration and Bylaws, and Events) to propose amendments to the constitution, recommend rules regarding elections, and bring ideas about how to create events that will better engage the student body. 

How We Get Involved

The LSC-Tomball SGA is, at its heart, a service organization for students, student organizations, and all of our campus and community members for the purpose of representing student interests and improving the campus climate and student experience. Everything we do is aimed at these ends.
Each year the SGA leadership and students look for ways to actively represent the idea of community that is inherent in being a community college.

SGA 2023 Fall Forum with the President

Annually, we collaborate with LSC-Tomball President, Dr. Lee Ann Nutt, to offer the Fall Forum with the President. Each year, Dr. Nutt makes time to join students in the teaching theater to answer questions from students, provide information, and gather feedback. She is joined by members of the administrative team from LSC-Tomball to make sure that the issues and ideas presented by students are given thoughtful and responsive treatment by the campus leadership. 

LSC-Tomball SGA Suggestion Box

The LSC-Tomball SGA is the ONLY student-led organization recognized by Lone Star College System to represent the interests of students and student organizations across the campus. We take this responsibility very seriously and seek to gather information, provide opportunities for input, and create interactive events in order to learn about the experiences, ideas, and opportunities our students and student organization offer to us.

All suggestions, feedback, and information are taken by the SGA leadership to the appropriate campus leaders so that meaningful action can be taken, from individual issues and experiences to items that may need attention at a larger scale. 

We encourage you to click on the icon below to leave feedback and ideas in our digital suggestion box. We encourage you to be honest and think big with your ideas. We also encourage you to think realistically about what is achievable. Some things can be addressed quickly and individually. Other things may take collective action and committee work to be adequately addressed. And, some things, like those that challenge state law, federal law, and system policies, or require a large capital investment are likely beyond our capabilities.

LSC-Tomball SGA General Suggestion Box

For More Information:

If you are interested in joining SGA, the SGA Pack, or have questions, please contact the SGA Advisors, Dr. Jerrel Wade and  Shannon Marino or reach out to SGA

Dr.Jerrel Wade

Shannon Marino
Office C223

LSC-Tomball SGA Contact

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