
LSC-Montgomery Economics Department

What is Economics?

Economics will prepare the students to analyze economy; national income accounting; income determination and stabilization policies. They will also be able to analyze consumer behavior, production, cost; equilibrium analysis in product markets under different market structures, such as perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition and different types of factor markets and factor price determination.

You can use your Economics courses toward an Associate of Arts academic degree and workforce programs. Find out how!

Programs and Courses

Faculty & Staff

Name Phone Office
Juan Lebron
Dean of Instruction
936.273.7321 Juan.C.Lebron@LoneStar.edu F-355
Frank Granack
Department Chair
Faculty Website
936.271.6131 Frank.A.Granack@LoneStar.edu F-359
James Zipperer 936.273.7391 James.F.Zipperer@LoneStar.edu F-361
Moses Ayiku 936.273.7456  Moses.Ayiku@LoneStar.edu F-360

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