

Advisor and studentUnderstanding your residency classification for tuition purposes is essential, and we're here to guide you through the process. In Texas, these classifications are established by the Legislature and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

Why is residency classification important?

Residency classification determines the amount of tuition you'll need to pay.

To determine your residency, you can either provide core residency answers during the admissions application or complete the Texas Residency Oath task in your myLoneStar portal.

If you believe you qualify for a lower residency tuition rate, we encourage you to reach out to a staff member at your campus – see the Residency Officials Contact Information in the resources below. They are here to assist you in determining the best classification for you. Please note, Lone Star College has the right to request further supporting documents to determine your residency status correctly.

We are here to help you navigate through the Residency process, and we encourage you to explore our resources below.


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