


I.C.1. Administrative Structure

I.C.1.01. Policy

The College’s Board of Trustees adopts policies to direct the College to accomplish its mission. The Chancellor is the College’s Chief Executive Officer. The Chancellor implements policies adopted by the Board and is the only employee reporting directly to the Board.

The Chancellor defines appropriate reporting lines in the College’s line-and-staff organization. The College creates and maintains councils and committee structures that foster opportunities for employees, students, and others to have input into the College’s decision making process.

I.C.1.02. Definitions

(a)   Board means the Board of Trustees with ultimate legal authority to govern the College.

(b)  Board Policy (or Policy) means written statements adopted by the Board to direct and guide the College, as found in the College’s official policy manual.

(c)   Chancellor’s Procedure (or Procedure) means directions approved by the Chancellor for implementing Policy, as found in the Chancellor’s official procedure compilation maintained by the Chancellor’s designee.

(d)  Participatory Governance means the process whereby faculty and staff have the opportunity and the responsibility to provide input, ask questions, and pose possible outcomes during the information-gathering phase of decision making.

I.C.1.03. Policies and Procedures

The Chancellor is the final authority on Procedure, but the ultimate authority in the College’s governance structure is the Board, and final decisions on governance matters always rest with the Board. When Policy and Procedure conflict, Policy always controls. When any College or office document conflicts with the Chancellor’s Procedures, the Chancellor’s Procedures always control.

I.C.1.04. Construing Policy and Procedure

The standards in the Code Construction Act, Chapter 311, Government Code, apply when construing Board Policy or the Chancellor’s Procedures. The Board has the final authority to interpret Board policy.

I.C.1.05. Participatory Governance

Participatory Governance applies to Policies and Procedures considered, formulated, and presented for adoption and support. This helps the Board and College to adequately consider issues from all viewpoints. Participatory Governance requires College officers, faculty, and staff to develop an environment of transparency, mutual trust, and mutual respect. The Faculty Senate Presidents shall meet with the Chancellor to discuss issues important to faculty before each regularly scheduled Board meeting from September to May.

LSCS Policy Manual Section adopted by the Board of Trustees on December 1, 2016

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