


Concert Choir

The Concert Choir is open to all staff, students, faculty, and community members in the surrounding area with a desire to sing. With a dedication to performing great music from many eras, the Concert Choir also focuses on teaching music literacy. No audition is required. If you've always wanted to sing, but were never sure where to start, the Concert Choir welcomes you to take part! The Concert Choir meets from 12:30 - 1:55 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays.  

Director: Mark Marotto Questions? Please email Mark.Marotto@lonestar.edu or call (936) 273-7270.

Chamber Singers

The Chamber Singers is the premier vocal ensemble in the college, and every member is on scholarship. The ensemble tours regularly, including recent trips to New Orleans, Austin and San Antonio. Repertoire varies from the Renaissance to contemporary popular song. The Chamber Singers have worked with such noted conductors as Maria Guinand, Simon Carrington, Hugh Floyd, Allen Hightower and Jane Guild. Auditions for the ensemble are held at the beginning of each semester. The Chamber Singers meet 1:20 - 2:45 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays in H-103.

Director: Mark Marotto Questions? Please email Mark.Marotto@lonestar.edu or call (936) 273-7270.


Symphonic Band

The Symphonic Band is LSC-M's largest instrumental ensemble and is comprised of the most talented instrumentalists on campus. Performing diverse and challenging wind literature from all time periods and styles, the Symphonic Band presents two concerts each semester in addition to providing music for LSC-M May Commencement Exercises. The Symphonic Band serves a dual purpose of providing music majors with a quality large ensemble experience and non-majors with the ability to continue the enjoyment of performing great music. Whether playing marches, orchestral transcriptions or traditional wind band literature, the ensemble focuses on performing music with the utmost in accuracy and musicality while presenting an enjoyable and moving concert-going experience for all audience members. The Band is open to all dedicated instrumentalists with previous performance experience from the LSC-M campus and community. The Symphonic Band meets from 1:00-2:20 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Director: Reese Burgan Questions? Please email Reese.G.Burgan@lonestar.edu.

Jazz Ensemble

The LSC-Montgomery Jazz Ensemble is open to all students, faculty, staff and community members from the surrounding area who possess a love of Jazz music and have previous experience reading music and playing an instrument or singing in the jazz style. Ensemble members have an opportunity to perform with guest artists and musicians from the local community and the Greater Houston area. If you are interested in joining the group, you are invited to audition! The Ensemble meets Tuesday nights from 6:30 - 9:05 p.m.

Director: Reese Burgan Questions? Please email Reese.G.Burgan@lonestar.edu.

Creekside Civic Orchestra

Creekside Civic Orchestra is a partnership between Lone Star College-Montgomery and Lone Star College-Tomball. The orchestra rehearses Monday evenings at Lone Star College - Creekside Center. For more information on the ensemble and audition requirements, please contact Jackson.Guillen@lonestar.edu.

Director: Dr. Jackson Guillén Questions: Please email Jackson.Guillen@lonestar.edu.

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