
Drama Careers

Theatre Job Search

There are more career opportunities for theatre majors than just performing and teaching. Below are a number of possible careers for theatre majors. If you need more information about these careers, you should talk to your theatre instructors. You can also check out the Drama Resources page to find more jobs and information.


  • Actor/Actress
  • Comedian
  • Dramatic artist
  • Extra
  • Ingenue
  • Live theatre
  • Motion picture performer
  • Musicals
  • Commericals
  • Radio
  • Voice-over artist

Behind the Scenes

  • Broadcast technician
  • Carpenter
  • Costume designer
  • Electrician
  • Hairstylist
  • Lighting designer
  • Makeup artist
  • Property designer
  • Rigger
  • Scenic artist
  • Set designer
  • Sound designer
  • Special effects artist
  • Stage director
  • Stage manager
  • Technical director
  • Wardrobe supervisor

Education and Theatre

  • College/university professor of theatre
  • Drama coach
  • Public school drama teacher

Business Side of Theatre

  • Advertising
  • Agent
  • Box office manager
  • Business manager
  • Casting director
  • Company manager
  • Executive director
  • Fine arts manager
  • General manager
  • House manager
  • Managing director
  • Marketing
  • Personal manager
  • Press agent
  • Producer
  • Production assistant
  • Public relations
  • Publicist
  • Talent manager
  • Touring manager

Other Theatre Careers

  • Broadcaster
  • Choreographer
  • Dancer
  • Disc jockey
  • Drama therapist
  • Drama/theatre critic
  • Magician
  • Model
  • Mime
  • Playwright
  • Puppeteer
  • Radio/television announcer
  • Screenwriter
  • Singer
  • Stunt performer

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