Students and employees may request materials not available from LSC Libraries, Harris County Public Library, or the Montgomery County Memorial Libraries.
Interlibrary Loan Policy - HCPL
Note: Place a request in the Texas Group Catalog. View the instructions for using the Texas Group Catalog. Interlibrary loan is a service provided by Harris County Public Library to help customers receive materials not available from HCPL or LSC libraries.
Library Barcode Request Form
Students unable to visit any LSC campus may request a library barcode that allows access to all library services.
Synchronous Library Instruction Request Form Asynchronous Library Instruction Request Form
Faculty may request instruction sessions (led by librarians) designed specifically to meet class needs.
Library Reserve Request Form
Faculty may place personally-owned or college-owned books, videos, articles and other materials on reserve for students at any LSC library or to make available for controlled digital lending.
Meeting Room Forms
Check reservation procedures for meeting rooms at campus libraries.
Research Consultation Request Form
Schedule a one-on-one instructional session with a librarian.
Recommend Materials for Purchase Form
Lone Star College students, employees, and community members are invited to recommend materials for purchase. Suggestions will be evaluated based on the Libraries’ Collection Development Policy, the item’s usefulness to the collection, and current budgetary constraints. Submit your title suggestions using this form.
TexShare Card Request Form
Allows you to borrow materials directly from other TexShare libraries.