
LSC Update

LSC will re-open access to buildings Monday, Aug. 31. Student Services are currently available online. Visit LoneStar.edu/Fall2020 for more information about fall classes.

zSpace 3D - LSC-North Harris Library

What is zSpace?

  • zSpace is an immersive 3D display. 
  • The North Harris Library received a zSpace station thanks to a generous grant from CTAC in Spring 2016.  
  • Our zSpace comes loaded with various 3D applications:
    • zSpace Studio
    • CyberScience
    • CyberAnatomy
    • Leopoly

How can we use it?

The station is available to everyone on a first-come, first-served basis. 

  1. Go to the Reference Desk located on the 3rd floor of the library.
  2. Use your library account to check out a pair of zSpace eyewear. 
  3. Proceed to the zSpace station. 
  4. Use the zSpace Stylus to navigate, dissect, and learn in 3D virtual reality.
    Your friends can use zSpace follower glasses to experience what you see. 


zSpace Studio

  • Allows you to import your own DAE, FBX, OBJ, and STL files for viewing. PDF guide
  • Contains a large catalog of 3D models and interactive activities. PDF guide



Collection of 3D models in astronomy, botany, chemistry, earth science, mechanical, microbiology, paleontology, and zoology.


Collection of human anatomy 3D models.  Systems include the skeleton, joints, ligaments, muscular, nervous, brain, endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive.


Application that lets you create 3D models.



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LSC-North Harris Library - Google Maps


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