
Bacterial Meningitis Vaccination Compliance

Bacterial Meningitis Vaccination Compliance

There are 3 ways to document compliance with the bacterial meningitis vaccination requirement, by submitting: 

LSC has partnered with Med+Proctor to review  and approve official bacterial meningitis vaccination shot records and medical exemptions.  Official shot records and medical exemptions are submitted from your Admissions tile in myLoneStar by clicking on the Bacterial Meningitis Vaccination checklist item.  This link will connect directly to your Med+Proctor account where you submit your official shot records OR medical exemption.  Once reviewed and approved by Med+Procotor, you will see a checkmark next to Bacterial Meningitis Vaccination item on your new student checklist from your Admissions tile in myLoneStar.  You can also connect to your Med+Proctor account and view your documentation review status from myLoneStar. Note: It may take up to 2-3 business days to be processed. 

Compliance Documentation Options:

1) Submit Official Shot Record.

Sign into myLoneStar to connect directly to your Med+Proctor account and submit your proof of vaccination.  Choose "Official Shot Record" as the "Document Type" when connected to Med+Proctor.  Shot records must include:

  • Student's full legal name as they appear in Lone Star College records.
  • Student's complete date of birth.
  • The month/day/year (MM/DD/YYYY) the vaccination or booster was administered, which must be during the 5-year period immediately preceding and at least 10 days prior to the first day of term.
  • The specific type of vaccination administered (either MenACWY or MPSV4).
  • The official physician signature or stamp.

  Accepted shot records must be one of the following:

  • A document bearing the signature or stamp of the physician, a designee, or the public health personnel who administered the immunization.
  • An official immunization record generated by a state or local health authority.
  • An official immunization record from another school, including those from another state.
  • The Immunization Certificate available in PDF & printable format in your Med+Proctor account. The form must be filled out completely and submitted under the "Immunization Certificate" in Med+Proctor as the "Document Type."  

Click here for information about vaccination providers.

2) Submit proof of Medical Exemption.

Sign into myLoneStar to connect directly to your Med+Proctor account and submit your Medical Exemption.  Choose "Medical Exemption" as the "Document Type" when connected to Med+Proctor. Medical Exemption documentation must include:

  • Student's full legal name as they appear in Lone Star College records.
  • Student's complete date of birth.
  • Signature of a physician registered and licensed to practice medicine in the United States.
  • A statement that, in the physician's opinion, that the vaccination would be injurious to the health and well-being of the student.

3) Submit proof of Conscientious Objection.

For more information, review the related resources on the right-hand side of this page.

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