
Events & Clubs

Upcoming Events





Faculty/SWIRL Art Show Reception September 19 5pm Mary Matteson-Parrish Art Gallery
Guest Artist Show Reception October 23 1pm Mary Matteson-Parrish Art Gallery
Student Art Show Reception December 4 1pm Mary Matteson-Parrish Art Gallery



Art & Art History Club

Art and Art History Club is a group of artists, non-artist, art history enthusiasts, game designers, makers, illustrators, photographers, and everyday students at Lone Star College-Montgomery. Members get together to create fun projects to broaden their scope of creativity while also being in a place for a fun social setting. We encourage the art of trying something new, whether that is doing henna tattoos or printmaking. Aside from our Thursday meetings, we have at least two art-related fundraisers every semester to give our club exposure and to raise money for big events. The two biggest events the Art and Art History Club hosts are the Artist Talk, where we present an established artist to speak about the creative life and future careers of the students from the club, and the Art History and Humanities Symposium, which promotes student research. At the end of the day, Art and Art History Club is about finding friends and finding creativity, so if art is your life or all you can do is stick figures- you are perfect for the club. 

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Clay Club

Gain a new understanding and appreciation for the world of ceramic arts.

The history of the Clay Club started when Art Professor Robby Wood joined the Lone Star College-Montgomery Art Department. The purpose of the club is to provide a venue for the ceramic students (or anyone interested) to have camaraderie and a team atmosphere in the events that the club participates in. The mission of the club is to stay truly student run and help foster extracurricular ceramic happenings. 

Through the year, the Clay Club host pottery sales to raise money to bring in guest speakers and workshops that are free to everyone. They also buy clay with those funds that they use to make bowls. These bowls are sold to raise money for the food bank as a form of community service and giving back. To the members, it provides a mode of service learning. The Clay Club also demonstrates at different venues and promotes the ceramic arts.

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