
LSC-CyFair Online Tutoring

Online Tutoring Services are part of our Academic Success Center.

All tutoring services at LSC-CyFair are absolutely FREE for students enrolled at Lone Star College! If you have any questions, email them to cyfair.asc@lonestar.edu

Students have several options:

Option 1: Brainfuse Tutor Match

Brainfuse Tutor Match provides students the ability to schedule unlimited live online tutoring session with a Lone Star College tutor for assistance in their course(s) for free.  We have tutors available on Brainfuse/Tutormatch for most subjects throughout the week.  Please follow steps below to check out tutor and subject availability. 

Brainfuse Tutor Match screenshot

How to schedule an appointment in Brainfuse Tutor Match

Step 1: Log into your course in D2L and click on the Brainfuse link.
Brainfuse checkbox screenshot
Note: if you do not see this link please ask your instructor.

Step 2: Schedule an appointment:

Brainfuse Tutor Match Schedule screenshot

Now you can also schedule tutoring through myLonestar. Click here to follow the steps on how to schedule and access an appointment.

A Tutor Match session is limited to 60 minutes, please have your questions ready. Here is how to connect to the white board: How to log in to a Brainfuse - TutorMatch Tutoring session


Option 2: Writing Center Email Paper Review

The purpose of a paper review is to assist students with basic grammar, thesis statement development, organization, and critical thinking. Tutors will not proofreader/edit papers and will not change the voice or tone of the student’s paper. The central role of the tutor is to offer suggestions and to assist with brainstorming, to encourage independent learning and to develop the student’s writing style and critical thinking skills.

Same day paper review is not available. Please allow 48 hours (2 days) from the time you submit your paper. The CFWC email is checked Monday – Friday from 8:00am - 5:00pm. Any submissions sent after 5:00pm will not be seen until the following business day and the time for the submission will be entered the next day as 8:00am.

CFWC can only accept 40 papers for a 48-hour review period. When the submission limit is reached; this service will be turned off until all the papers have been reviewed.

IMPORTANT: If you receive an Out of Office email message, when you try to submit your paper, this means that your submission was not received.

You will need to resubmit your paper again. Once all the papers in the queue have been reviewed, the CFWC service will be restarted again until it reaches the 40 paper limit.

Please adhere to following instructions for submitting a paper via the Writing Center’s online service.

To submit your paper to the Writing Center, you must address an email using your Lone Star College Email to cfwc@lonestar.edu and include the following information:

  • Your name (First and Last)
  • Your LSC student ID#
  • The course name and number (Ex: ENGL 1301)
  • Your professor’s name
  • The due date for the assignment
  • The time the assignment is due
  • Assignment Description (Ex: Research Paper)
  • A Microsoft Word compatible copy of your assignment instructions
  • A Microsoft Word compatible copy of your paper

IMPORTANT: Due to the demand, only 1 draft of any assignment will be reviewed.

If you omit any of the above information, your paper will not be reviewed. Thank you for using the writing center for your academic needs!

Workshop Information
ASC Writing Center Workshop Webpage - click here

Option 3: TSIA2 Test Prep Online and Face-to-Face

Student can choose to schedule an appointment with an LSC-CyFair tutor online through WebEx or face-to-face (LRNC, 2nd floor, Academic Success Center) session.

A WebEx tutoring session will be very similar to a face-to-face session, except the session is conducted through WebEx. 

Webex Resources

The following subjects will have tutors available online and in-person:

TSIA2 English Reading and writing

How to schedule an appointment for TSIA2 review session online and in-person.

Choose your options, fill out your contact information, and reserve your spot!
Click here to register for a TSIA2 review session.  


Option 4: Brainfuse Live Help

If you were in an online course prior to spring break, you have access to Brainfuse online tutoring services through the Lone Star College Virtual Learning Assistance Center (VLAC). Please click on this link to find out more information: https://vlac.lonestar.edu/help/a366?

How to schedule an appointment in Brainfuse Live Help

Step 1: Log into your course in D2L and click on the Brainfuse link
Brainfuse checkbox screenshot
Note: if you do not see this link please ask your instructor.

Step 2: Schedule an appointment in Live Help

90 minutes of tutoring each semester for all students through the end of each semester. (If you have any questions regarding Brainfuse minutes, please contact onlineadvisor@lonestar.edu)

Live Help screenshot

Make LSC part of your story.