
Resources for Recovery

Everyone who sees or experiences a crisis is affected by it in some way. Even those who only see it through the media can have serious emotional and stress reactions. When a crisis occurs, natural or otherwise, the emotional stress and damage can be long-lasting. The emotional impact is often greater than the event.

After A Crisis, It Can Help to Remember:

  • It is normal to feel anxious about your own safety and that of your family and close friends.
  • Profound sadness, grief and anger are normal reactions to an abnormal event.
  • Accepting your feelings helps with recovery.
  • Focusing on your strengths and abilities helps you heal.
  • Getting help from community programs and resources is healthy.
  • Everyone has different needs and different ways of coping.

What Can I Do After A Crisis?

Many times, a crisis is out of our control. Our reactions to the crisis, while normal, can be confusing and this can make us feel even more powerless. The good news is, you have control over how you handle your feelings. The way you choose to cope can help you heal. It is normal to want to avoid your feelings, but this avoidance can delay your recovery. The only way to get through this time is to go through it. Let yourself experience your feelings so you can work through them.

If you do not know how to manage your reactions, we suggest you try some of the following:

  1. Get your feelings out. Think of a balloon. It can only hold so much air before it pops. It is important for you to let “air” out of your emotional balloon. Talking, journaling or doing something artistic can help relieve your stress.
  2. Talk about what happened and how you feel about it. Telling your story can help you find meaning in it.
  3. Accept the concern and care of others.
  4. Reach out to your family and close friends. It can be tempting to withdraw from others. Even if you sit in silence, it’s important to be with loved ones.
  5. Eat well. More than ever, your body needs nourishment. If you can only pick at your food, a vitamin might be helpful. It may be tempting, but try to avoid emotional eating.
  6. Avoid using alcohol or drugs. People often use substances to run away from their feelings. This can slow your recovery or add to your problems.
  7. Acknowledge support from your co-workers. Talk about how your reactions may affect your work and how you can help one another.
  8. If the crisis involved the loss of life, consider attending the funeral or memorial service. Go with someone you know, perhaps someone who also went through the crisis. It is also important to give yourself permission to stay home if you feel it’s the best thing for you.
  9. Avoid self-criticism. This is a time for healing, not blaming.
  10. Take some positive action in your own life. Identify your goals and do things that make you feel good about yourself.
  11. Exercise. It can help manage stress and clear your mind.
  12. Remember, your reactions are likely to be shared by others. They are a sign of your ability to care.

Who Can Help Me in This Time of Need?

UTEAP logo UTEAP: on call crisis counselors are available 24/7 at 713-500-3327 or toll-free at 1-800-346-3549. Phone calls will be answered after normal business hours & weekends by the UTEAP answering service.

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