
Forms and Resources

Student Organization Resources

Student Organization Online Registration
This form allows new organizations to register and returning organizations to re-register while requesting SFAC funds.

Club and Organization Request Form
Please complete the request at least two weeks prior to your event.

Marketing through PR MarCom 

Please visit Public Relations and Marketing Communication for information or to submit a request. The department can assist on any of the following:

  • Campus Digital Displays & ViewSonic Vertical Screens
  • D2L & Main Events Calendars 
  • Flyer/Poster/Graphic Design
  • Photography & Video
  • Social Media
  • Web/Page
  • Writing/Publications/News
  • Podcasting/Audio

PR MarCom requires a minimum of 15 business day notice for all requests.

Club and Organization Materials

Sample Constitution
This document can be customized for each organization. The shaded areas should be changed to reflect the requirements and responsibilities as identified bu the members of the organization.

Event/Fundraising Request
Any clubs or organizations wishing to hold a fundraiser or event must submit this form at least two weeks prior to the event date indicated. The Office of Student Life will need to give prior approval before an event can take place.

Club Meeting Roster

Officer Member Roster


If your student organization/event committee would like to sell food (hot dogs, hamburgers, baked goods, etc.), you are required to apply for a permit from Montgomery County Environmental Health Services. You simply complete the application and submit it at least two weeks prior to the event if submitting by mail, or at least 48 hours prior to the sale/event if submitting the application in person. The permit is FREE of charge for nonprofit organizations, which includes our college.

Take a moment to read the Food Rules for Temporary Food Services Permit. This will give you all of the information and directions needed to obtain the permit. This document, as well as the application itself can be found below.

Application for Temporary Food Services Permit


  • Deposit Memo Used at the Business Office to deposit funds from fundraisers. Requires the Program Manager's signature.
  • Budget Transfer Request Please complete this as soon as possible; at least two weeks prior to the use of the funds.
  • Purchase Request Please allow two weeks for processing, ordering, and receiving the items.

Speakers & Performers

Contracts and agreements for vendors, speakers, & performers. Organizations that plan to have a vendor, speaker or performer on campus for an activity or program must complete the necessary paperwork found below. Please note that this process generally takes 6 to 8 weeks.


  1. Have vendor sign our contract, produce an invoice, and complete a Vendor Application (if LSCS has not used this vendor previously)
  2. Bring signed contract and invoice to the Office of Student Life
  3. The Office of Student Life will handle all signature requests and will request a check.
  4. Once the contract is returned, scan a copy to the vendor


  1. Confirm that budgeted funds are available for the trip, including the leasing of vehicles suitable for the trip.
  2. Be familiar with the process used to respond to any special needs of a student with a disability
  3. Submit the Request for Approval of College Sponsored Travel and the College Sponsored Travel paperwork to the Program Manager for Student Life four weeks prior to travel.
  4. The advisor or designated college official must accompany the student organization to events in which the student organization represents Lone Star College.

After receiving approval for the trip, the advisor must advise all students of the trip and take the following additional steps prior to departure.

1. Advisor is to complete the following forms:

2. Advisor is to secure the following form from each participant:

3. Advisor should bring all TR4 forms and emergency contact information when traveling. If you are renting a vehicle or staying in a Texas hotel, please visit Employee Intranet > Forms and Resources > Administration and Finance > Tax to download the appropriate paperwork.

Make LSC part of your story.