
Info for Non-Profits

We Are Here To Help You


We are a community college focused on helping our local community. And our Visual Communication students want the chance to be able to give back to that community by donating their time and their graphic design talents (for FREE) to visually helping those non-profits who are in need of it. And our students ROCK! If you don't believe me, just check out the work that has been done for previous design-a-thons in the PROJECT GALLERY and read some of the TESTIMONIES from other non-profits such as yourself.

Every year brings new and fresh talent to the event. And we are excited about our current student designers and former alumni returning to help with this year's Design-A-Thon. We've got the talent, now all we need are the projects.

What Type Of Projects Can You Submit?

Keep in mind that most students will not be doing the full 12 hours, most will, but not all. Therefore we want to make sure that the project we receive can be completed in that amount of time.

Projects we have been able to successfully complete and will accept will be:

  • Logos/Stationary
  • Fliers
  • Posters
  • Banners
  • Book Covers
  • In-store Displays
  • Advertisements
  • Brochures
  • Digital/Social Media Projects
  • EPUB publications
  • Invitations
  • Web Pages

If you have a project that is not on that list, feel free to ask. If we think it can be pulled off in the amount of time we have, we'll give it a shot.

How Many Can You Submit?

You can submit as many as you like...just list them in order of priority. Since we want to try and help as many non-profits as we can. We will work all of the main priority items first. And then, if time allows, we will take the next priority item in your list and so on. What determines how far we get is the number of students we have and how long it takes them to complete each project which can be anywhere from 15 projects to 30 or more. Every project is different and some take more time than others. If you have questions about your project, feel free to contact Zoila M. Donneys (Zoila.M.Donneys@lonestar.edu, 281-312-1759) and she will give you his honest opinion if she thinks it's doable or not.

How Will You Know Your Project Has Been Selected?

We wish we could take every project submitted in this event, but we are limited by both the number of student volunteers as well as the amount of time it will take to complete each project. The more volunteers we have, the more projects we can accept. The best thing to do, is submit early. We have already had non-profits contact us as soon as the last one was finished a year ago and have been eagerly waiting to submit their work for this one.

When you submit your project, we will contact you to let you know that we recieved it and then another email to let you know whether or not we will be able to submit into the Design-A-Thon. We look at the number of volunteers we have as well as how many non-profits have requested at least one project. It's really a first come, first serve basis. Once we hit our max, we will not be able to accept any more submissions.

It is our goal to know at least 2 weeks before the event which projects we will be working on. In the meantime, I strongly suggest that all material needed for the completion of the project be gathered together during that waiting period. Once accepted, we will arrange to have the material picked up one week before the event at the latest.

Make LSC part of your story.