
Support the Cause

What We Are In Need Of And How You Can Help

Keep in mind, we can NOT accept cash or money for this FREE service we are providing. If you want to help support this event and our students, take a look at the following and see if you can help. If you can, just click on the SUPPORT THE CAUSE button at the bottom.


Are a you great chef? Own or manage a restaurant? Like to make deliveries? Or do you just like to cook...or buy food already cooked? Well, we need food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. This is normally our greatest cost. And any help you could provide would help lower that. From snacks to meals, we won't complain...just no suishi.


Water, caffeine, Starbucks, caffeine, energy drinks, caffeine. It's something small, but you have no idea how bad students need this to wake up in the morning and stay pumped towards the end.


Wanna help make an event memorable? Can you print T-shirts for a low cost, or even for FREE? We like to give all our students and non-profits a free t-shirt. Let's face it, every one loves t-shirts and you can never have enough of them.


We can only offer the Non-Profits FREE design. We are unable to help them with their printing needs. All files created will be press ready. If you are looking for a way to donate something extraordinary to aid in this event, consider helping the non-profits with their printing. Last year we had several non-profits who were so grateful with the work that was designed, they were unable to print it right away due to budget issues. If you are a local printer, please consider helping out with discounted printing for our non-profits. A printing bureau actually offered to print all the Non-Profit work that was done during the Create-A-Thon (a similar event in Columbia, South Carolina) for FREE because they were so moved by what was being done. Maybe you could provide the same.

Miscellaneous Supplies

USBs to burn all the work on to give to the non-profits. So, if you would like to help us out with some of the USBs, or have actually thought of something not listed. If you have questions that you would like answered first, contact Zoila Donneys. Zoila.M.Donneys@lonestar.edu 281-312-1759.

Make LSC part of your story.