
Info for Students

We Need You And Your Talent


Design-A-Thon, huh? Wondering what's in it for you? Well how about:

  • Community Service Credit which is transferable to many colleges and also makes you feel tingly and warm all over.
  • Nice Portfolio Pieces which helps land you a job so you can eat.
  • Great Work Experience which helps give you a sense of what a typical day can be like at an agency or firm.

Not enough? Ok, what about

  • Free Food which means you don't pay for it
  • Free Drinks which means a steady supply of caffeine running through your bloodstream.
  • Free Potty Breaks which means a steady outlet for all that caffeine running through your bloodstream.
  • Maybe A Free T-shirt which means we don't know if we'll have any yet but we're trying. We'll find a way even if we have to donate your, I mean, our blood.

Software And Skills You Need To Know

In order to sign-up for this event, we need you to know and be somewhat proficient in at least two of the following:

  • Adobe InDesign or Quark Express
  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator or Freehand
  • HTML or Dreamweaver (for the Web volunteers)

In addition to the software we ask that you have completed or are enrolled in:

  • Digital Publishing 3 or 2 unless approved by the Design-A-Thon Director
  • Digital Imaging 1
  • Design Communication 1 unless approved by the Design-A-Thon Director
  • Web Design 2 only for web volunteers - unless approved by the Design-A-Thon Director

Computer Illustration and Photoshop are additional bonuses for you if you have had them.

Since we are doing these pieces for real organizations who will be using these to promote themselves to the public, we ask that you also be somewhat proficient in the design principles and the art of spell checking. If you didn't know there were any principles and thought spell-checking was a famous artist, this event may not be for you at this time.

If you want to check out some of the work that's been done by student's who have those skills, check out the project gallery showcasing some of the work that's been done for non-profits at previous events.

How Long Do You Have To Stay?

It's really great when you can finish the project you are working on. Sometimes it is difficult to hand off the project to another designer, who doesn't really know what was going through your head when you were designing it. Plus, they may have a totally different style.

We really recommend at least a commitment of 2-4 hours but you can sign up for more than that. Yes, there are, and have been, students who sign up for the full twelve. You will receive a certificate for Community Service Credit for any amount you volunteer. Most colleges ask that you have twelve hours which you can knock out at this event.

You know how quickly you work. Choose a time and length that will work for you knowing that you could probably finish at least one project within that time frame.

Because we have a limited amount of computers, we have to sometimes break people up into shifts and spread them out throughout the 12 hour period. If you can only work a certain amount of hours, we always need help towards the end, at night. The event will be from 8am-8pm.

So if you think you have what it takes, sign up here. The Director will contact you just to verify that you are where you need to be with both your software and design skills. And if you need to back out or change your time, you can do so. We won't hunt you down and gut you like a fish. We have associates who help us with that. But if you need some more information, or have some questions you would like answered first, contact Zoila M. Donneys at Zoila.M.Donneys@lonestar.edu or 281-312-1759.

Make LSC part of your story.