Behavioral & Social Sciences at LSC-University Park

Dean of Instruction, Behavioral and Social Sciences
281.290.2663 | Office: B12.603C
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Departments and Courses
The LSC-University Park Accounting Department prepares students to fill many types of entry-level accounting positions found in a variety of businesses, accounting firms, and government or not-for-profit organizations. Students will learn accounting, administrative and bookkeeping duties as well as budgeting, reporting and auditing functions in the workplace.
LSC-University Park’s Accounting Department offers two programs: Associate of Applied Science (AAS) Accounting and Advanced Technical Certificate (ATC) in Professional Accounting.
ACCT 2301, ACCT 2302, ACNT 1303, ACNT 1311, ACNT 1313, ACNT 1329, ACNT 1331, ACNT 1340, ACNT 1347, ACNT 1370, ACNT 1371, ACNT 1372, ACNT 1373, ACNT 1392, ACNT 1393, ACNT 2303, ACNT 2304, ACNT 2309, ACNT 2331, ACNT 2333, ACNT 2336, ACNT 2337, ACNT 2345, ACNT 2370
Lindsey McGriff
Helen Bassett
Interested in the human existence – how we came to be, and where we are headed? LSC-University Park Anthropology Department classes help you enhance the lives of others by gaining a deeper understanding of human behavior through the study of human societies, cultures and their development.
ANTH 2301, ANTH 2302, ANTH 2346, ANTH 2351
The LSC-University Park Business Department prepares a diverse group of students to succeed as the future managers and leaders within our local communities. The program supports students' needs to acquire skills that will allow them to establish a career and/or become more productive in their current organizations.
LSC-University Park offers two programs: Associate of Arts Business Administration and Associate of Applied Science Business Administration with specializations in Human Resources, Business Management, and Marketing.
BUSG 1341, BUSI 1301, BUSI 2301, BUSI 2305, BMGT 1301, BUSI 1307, BMGT 1309, BMGT 1327, BMGT 1341, BMGT 2303, BMGT 2382, BMGT 2388, HRPO 1302, HRPO 1311, HRPO 2301, HRPO 2303, HRPO 2304, HRPO 2305, HRPO 2306, HRPO 2307, MRKG 1301, MRKG 1302, MRKG 1311, MRKG 2312, MRKG 2333, MRKG 2348, MRKG 2349, MRKG 2380
Allen Jones
Ben Ofili
Sandra Velazquez
The LSC-University Park Criminal Justice Department offers an Associate of Arts with a Field of Study in Criminal Justice. The program prepares students to enter a variety of careers in the criminal justice system or transfer to a four-year university to continue working toward a Bachelor’s of Criminal Justice. Students in the Criminal Justice program will receive cutting-edge classroom instruction blended with real-life scenarios. Hands-on educational experiences include investigating mock crime scenes, fingerprinting, handcuffing and participating in mock trials.
CRIJ 1301, CRIJ 1306, CRIJ 1307, CRIJ 1310, CRIJ 1313, CRIJ 2313, CRIJ 2314, CRIJ 2328
Jermaine Johnson, Ph.D.
Alicia Castillo
The LSC-University Park Economics Department offers two economics classes, Macroeconomics and Microeconomics, which can be taken for Dual Credit or, upon completion, as transfer credit to other higher education institutions. Bachelor's degree programs that require one or both of these classes include majors such as Business (Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Insurance, Real Estate, Management), Social Sciences (Political Science, Sociology, Psychology, History), Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Statistics, Nursing, and Engineering. These classes are also prerequisites for higher-level ECON courses.
ECON 2301, ECON 2302
Hank Lewis
Wole Peters
The LSC-University Park Education Department provides students with opportunities to participate in early field observations at all levels of P - 12 schools with varied and diverse student populations. Course content should be aligned as applicable with the State Board for Educator Certification’s Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities standards and coincide with the National Assessment of Educational Progress position statement related to developmentally appropriate practices for children from birth through age eight.
LSC-University Park's Education Department also teaches Learning Framework: 1st Year Experience. This course (EDUC 1300) is a study of the research and theory in the psychology of learning, cognition, and motivation, factors that impact learning and application of learning strategies. Theoretical models of strategic learning, cognition, and motivation serve as the conceptual basis for the introduction of college-level academic strategies. Students are ultimately expected to integrate and apply the learning skills discussed across their own academic programs and become effective and efficient learners.
EDUC 1300, EDUC 1301, EDUC 2301, TECA 1303, TECA 1311, TECA 1318, TECA 1354
Michael Donnelly
Barbara Seals, Ph.D.
Sandra Van Alstine, Ed.D.
Keita Ford
Jessica Mercado
The LSC-University Park Geography Department offers students a transferable World Geography course that explores the earth’s diverse landscapes, economic development, and the cultural, physical and political dynamics at work within different regions of the globe. A valuable addition to any degree plan, geography studies are for students interested in world affairs, culture and understanding the characteristics of places around the world.
GEOG 1301, GEOG 1302, GEOG 1303, GEOG 2389
The LSC-University Park Government Department seeks to promote greater civic awareness and understanding of the political process, and to foster enhanced citizenship and participation in government. It offers fully transferable, lower-division Federal Government courses and Texas Government courses that fulfill associate degree requirements.
GOVT 2304, GOVT 2305, GOVT 2306, GOVT 2311, GOVT 2389
Bryan Henry
Cristoban Hernandez
Cassandra Khatri, Ph.D.
Laurie Mawyer
Methias Plank
The LSC-University Park Psychology Department offers a range of foundation and intermediate courses designed to explore human behavior. General Psychology provides an overview of the field and is a prerequisite for other courses offered. Additional courses include Human Sexuality, Child Growth and Development, Lifespan Growth and Development, Psychology of Personality, Statistical Method in Psychology, and Social Psychology.
PSYC 2301, PSYC 2306, PSYCH 2306, PSYC 2308, PSYC 2314, PSYCH 2314, PSYC 2316, PSYC 2317, PSYC 2319
Nicole Stalnaker
Joseph Butler
Kristen Rodriguez
If you are passionate about helping others through action and meaning, then a social work career might be for you. The LSC-University Park Social Work Department offers classes that serve as an introduction to the ethics and philosophy of enhancing human well-being and meeting the basic needs of various people, specifically those from oppressed and impoverished backgrounds. You will also learn about the types of social work along with methods and objectives to prepare you for further study.
SOCW 2361, SOCW 2362
The LSC-University Park Sociology Department offers courses introducing the basic elements of society. Social studies help students make educated decisions about their own lives and how they might want to change society as a whole. The Sociology Department offers transferable courses in the Principles of Sociology, Social Problems, Marriage & Family, and Minority Studies that can be used toward an Associate of Arts degree and workforce programs.
SOCI 1301, SOCI 1306, SOCI 2301, SOCI 2306, SOCI 2319, SOCI 2326, SOCI 2336, SOCI 2340, SOCI 2389
Aisha Adams-Lover
Alma Tusini
The LSC-University Park Speech Department helps student to develop effective expression through written, oral, and visual communication skills highly valuable in the workplace.
Students may work towards an Associate of Arts Speech Communication degree or opt to transfer courses such as Introduction to Communication, Interpersonal Communications, Public Speaking, and Business & Professional Communications.
SPCH 1311, SPCH 1315, SPCH 1315H, SPCH 1318, SPCH 1321
Students interested in advertising or public relations may also be interested in these Communication courses:
Principles of Journalism (COMM-2302)
Principles of Advertising (COMM-2327)
Introduction to Mass Communications (COMM-1307)
Mickey Cox
Rick Curry, Ph.D.
Abby Heller, Ph.D.
Eric McClellan
Sara Whalen
Division Contacts
Department Chairs
Sara Whalen
Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology, Social Work, Speech and Communication
281.290.1848 | Office: B13.809
Michael Donnelly
Education and Associates of Arts in Teaching (AAT)
281.290.3656 | Office: NRB.209H
Jermaine Johnson, Ph.D.
Criminal Justice, Geography, Government
281.655.3784 | Office: B12.726
Cassandra Khatri, Ph.D.
Accounting/Tax Accounting, Business Administration (Human Resources, Business Management, and Marketing), Economics
281.290.3767 | Office: B13.822
Lindsey McGriff, CPA
Accounting/Tax Accounting, Business Administration (Human Resources, Business Management, and Marketing), Economics
281.290.3718 | Office: B12.730
Division Staff
Kerrah Cain
Division Operations Manager
281.290.5006 | Office: B12.603B
Debbie Holmes
Division Operations Specialist
281.290.5086 | Office: B12.603A
Carlos Alan Chang Michel
Staff Assistant II
281.290.3752 | Office: B12.603