Please view the links below for student organization descriptions and contact information. View the Sports page if you're interested in participating in competitive sports teams.
Student Organizations & Clubs
Can't find a student organization you're interested in joining? Consider starting a new one!
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
The mission of the ASME Student Section is to promote interest, understanding, and knowledge of the engineering field in our community. This student section will provide members with opportunities for academic advancement, professional development, networking, engagement with professionals, community outreach, and participating in state and national competitions.
Advisor: Yiheng Wang American Society of Mechanical Engineers Constitution
Anime Club (dormant)
Anime Club is a community of like-minded people who wish to come together to enjoy and experience Japanese culture and art while also spreading awareness of our community.
Advisor: Student Life Anime Club constitution
Arab and Muslim Student Association (AMSA)
AMSA's goal is to promote inclusivity, diversity, cultural activities, student support, and geographical education on the Middle East and its culture, as well as to educate people who want to understand, appreciate, and practice the religion of Islam.
Advisors: Ahmed Khawaja Chelsea Branch Miguel Burke Arab and Muslim Student Association Constitution
Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islanders Organization (AANHPI)
AANHPI provides Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders with an inclusive community, but it is open to all students, regardless of their background. The organization's primary objective is to teach students the value of conserving Asian and Oceanian cultures and preserving cultural relativism through active involvement in AANHPI.
Advisor: Student Life AANHPI Constitution
Band Club
The members of the Symphonic Band, the Jazz Ensemble, and the Camber Ensembles, and students interested in band, comprise the Band Club. In order to "Make More Music," the Band Club promotes membership and retention, peruses excellence in performance, and serves the college as musical ambassadors to the community.
Advisor: Brian Herrington Robert Bott Band Club constitution
Billiards Club
The Billiards Club helps students with social skills and teaches/coaches students interested in 8-Ball. The club is dedicated to increasing the comfort level of members when learning new tricks from more advanced players.
Advisor: Robert Perkins Billiards Club constitution
Black Student Union (BSU)
The Black Student Union (BSU) focuses on building the black community, but membership is not limited to just the black community. The vision for BSU is to serve the LSC-CyFair campus with cultural, educational, and social initiatives, while aiming to build leaders, promote unity, and contribute to student success. We will live by the motto of S.T.R.I.V.E., which is stands for "Service, Tenacity, Reflection, Intellect, Virtue and Excellence".
Advisors: Miguel Burke Obiageli Nwosu, Stacey Joshua Black Student Union constitution BSU Group Me
Business Professionals of America
BPA's goal is to help its members develop leadership and organizational abilities, establish realistic employment objectives, and to promote high standards in ethics, workmanship, and scholarship. The organization also stives to foster practical application of business, information technology and/or office occupations skills through competition. Join the organization to find out more!
Advisors: Charles McNeil Maurica Vickerson Nana Ojeiduma Business Professionals of America Constitution
Chess Club
The Mission of Chess Club is five-fold: (1) to provide a safe place to play and study chess in an effort to improve; (2) to translate improvement in chess into academic success; (3) to foster development of critical thinking skills; (4) to promote peace and harmony among a diverse student population; and (5) to sponsor a chess team to compete in local and national chess competitions. Register for Chess Club at
Advisor: Student Life Chess Club constitution
Composer's Club
Composer's Club aims to provide a forum for discussion of music theory, contemporary concert music, student-written works, and composers and their repertoire. This forum and related activities on and off campus will allow for both the knowledge of members as well as to create an environment that encourages the creation, performance, and enjoyment of contemporary concert music.
Advisor: Brian Herrington Composer's Club constitution
Computer Science Club
The Computer Science Club brings together computer science students to improve learning, provide support, and further engagement in extracurricular activities.
Advisor: David Melendez Contact: Computer Science Club email Computer Science Club constitution
Creative Writing Club
The Creative Writing Club is dedicated in establishing an open environment where students from LSC-CyFair, the Cypress Center, and Westway Park Technology Center can collaborate and share their work together under the mentorship of nurturing faculty. Their work culminates in the publication of The Barker's Voice, the LSC-CyFair annual publication for writing other creative arts.
Advisor: Chris Mandia Creative Writing Club constitution
Cru is designed for students who are eager to spread the love and joy of Jesus Christ in their community through a variety of efforts. Cru has a mission to share the love of Jesus Christ with the Lone Star College-CyFair community by leading them to faith in God through Jesus Christ, guiding members in Christian growth and discipleship, and providing opportunities to be involved in responsible church membership.
Advisors: Shawn Miller Contact: Club E-Mail CRU constitution
Economics Club
Did you buy coffee today? Fill up at a gas station? Buy any brand of fast food recently? Did you pay to get any of these? if your answer was "Yes" to any, or all, of these - they were all economic decisions. Surprised? If you are surprised, come and join the Economics Club to find out more. Mention of Economics Club membership on your resume is sure way to catch the attention of any admissions committee of universities or a hiring manager. The Economics Club is a student-run organization committed to exploring Economics beyond traditional coursework. The Club promotes fellowship between students, as well as between students and faculty, and helps you learn about what influences local, state, national, and global business and economic trends.
Advisors: Ghazal Bayanpourtehrani Samuel Olowu Economics Club constitution
Empowerment Club
Empowerment Club helps to serve the Empowerment Center in food pantry maintenance, outreach, and food collection. It also gives students a voice in food insecurity on campus.
Advisor: Roslynn Foster Empowerment Club constitution
Environmental and Sustainability Club
The Environmental and Sustainability club aims to raise awareness of environmental issues through acts of creativity, including, but not limited to, repurposing recyclable material, gardening, creative artwork(2D and 3D), and other forms of creativity. Any efforts to help the environment directly, such as cleaning up public areas and planting trees, will also be included as part of the organization's efforts to spread awareness, understand sustainability, and to protect the environment.
Fashion Club
The Fashion Club provides students with a platform to explore their passion for fashion, enhance their creativity, and develop their skills in various aspects of the fashion industry through workshops, fashion shows, and collaborative projects. Students attending meetings will have opportunities to exchange ideas, learn from each other, and stay updated on the latest trends and developments in the world of fashion. The club will organize events and activities that promote self-expression and body positivity, creating a supportive environment for students to express their unique style.
Advisor: Yvonne Khan Fashion Club constitution
Future American Sign Language Interpreters (FASLI)
Future American Sign Language Interpreters strives to encourage students to participate in public affairs related to interpreting careers, inform interpreters about their rights as students and as future interpreters, and recruit students to the interpreting career and inform them about interpreting as an option for a profession. A continuous goal of FASLI is to involve future interpreters more fully in the Deaf community in order to create awareness of the many different communities represented at LSC-CyFair and other communities.
Advisors: Leyel Hudson Chris Orta FASLI constitution
Future Health Professionals & Entrepreneurs of America
The mission of FHPEA is to empower students to grow academically, professionally, and personally. We are committed to preparing them thoroughly for fulfilling careers in healthcare or entrepreneurial ventures, equipping them with the skills, knowledge, and networks necessary for success.
Advisor: Carrie Pittman FHPEA Constitution
Future Professional Educators (FPE)
FPE is open to any student who has the desire to become an educator or is interested in entering the field of education. Several events are held throughout the year where members are given opportunities to network with others in the field and to connect with resources needed to move through the educational pathway. FPE is a charter of ATPE, a State Teacher Organization that serves to the needs of educators in Texas. As a part of this club, members will become a part of ATPE as well. We welcome you with open arms and look forward to meeting you!
Advisors: Shamim Arastu Leigh Eisterhold Future Professional Educators constitution
Hearts Towards Hope Club
The purpose of the Hearts Towards Hope Club is to better the lives of the living and those who need support the most through club members volunteering for charitable organizations, assisting at events sponsored by nonprofit organizations, and through events on or off campus to further the social action emphasis of repairing the world or making our campus a better place.
Advisor: Shamim Arastu Hearts Towards Hope Club constitution
Kappa Delta Pi
This international honor society in education was one of the first discipline-specific honor societies.
Advisor: Shamim Arastu Kappa Delta Pi constitution
K-Pop Club
K-pop Club aims to create an inclusive and vibrant community for students of all backgrounds and ages who share a passion for Korean music and culture. Our mission is to provide a welcoming space for fans to connect, share, and celebrate their love for K-pop. We strive to be a safe, respectful, and diverse environment where students can unite, grow, and enhance their college experience.
Advisor: Lisa Anderson K-Pop Club constitution
Latin American Student Organization (LASO)
This club was established to promote the cultural growth and understanding of the Hispanic/Latino(a) culture by learning about each other and our history through promotion and coordination of special events and forums.
Advisor: Student Life Contact: LASO Email LASO constitution
Let's Relax
The purpose of Let's Relax shall be to encourage students to focus on their mental health. We are dedicated to creating a nurturing environment where students feel comfortable decompressing from daily struggles. We strive to provide an environment with tools that allow students to express themselves, indulge in interests, and learn self-care.
Advisor: Vivian Kurday Let's Relax constitution
This group provides a support system for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender students. The purpose of the group is to promote acceptance and diversity while providing a safe atmosphere free of prejudice.
Advisor: Miranda Ashworth LGBTQ+ constitution
Life First CyFair
This purpose of this organization is to foster the appreciation for the value of each and every human life from conception until natural death.
Advisor: Shawn Miller Life First CyFair constitution
Male Empowerment Network (M.E.N.)
This organization aims to increase the academic success, college engagement, leadership abilities, professional skills, financial literacy, and health and wellness of men from marginalized and underserved communities with the goal of retaining them at LSC-CyFair until graduation.
Advisor: Swakeem Cox Male Empowerment Network constitution
Math Club
The purpose of Math Club is to promote interest in Mathematics.
Advisor: Luis Molina Math Club constitution
Men's Basketball Team
This organization's purpose is to promote the LSC-CyFair spirit and compete in athletics with other colleges, as well as enhancing students' academic opportunities.
Coach: Dedrick Brown Contact: Rec Sports
Men's Soccer Team
This organization is an outlet for students to participate in team sports, develop social skills, engage and demonstrate sportsmanship both on and off the field, have fun, be physically active, and play soccer games.
Coach: Henry Estrada Contact: Rec Sports
Men's Volleyball Club (dormant)
Our organization is an outlet for students to participate in recreational team sports, develop social skills, engage and demonstrate sportsmanship both on and off the field, have fun, be physically active, and play volleyball games.
Advisor: Rec Sports
Nigerian Students Association (NSA)
The purposes of the Nigerian Students Association (NSA) shall be to: (1) build a community for students to connect and learn about the Nigerian culture; (2) provide opportunities for enhanced understanding of Nigerian languages, history, cuisine, music, and dance; and (3) create a spirit of community between Nigerian students and students interested in Nigerian culture.
Advisor: Milton Kandeh NSA Constitution
Performance Troupe (dormant)
Performance Troupe provides any Lone Star College-CyFair student with an interest in theatre arts an opportunity to discuss their love of theatre, take part in all aspects of theatre production, engage in social activities, and plan events.
Advisors: Joshua Estrada Joseph Urick Contact: Club E-Mail Performance Troupe constitution
Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)
As an international honorary organization for community college students, Phi Theta Kappa promotes scholarship, leadership, service, and fellowship among qualified students. Initiated members must maintain a 3.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale, but there is provisional membership for those who are interested in participating but don't meet the requirements.
Advisor: Student Life PTK Email Phi Theta Kappa bylaws
Political Science Club
The Political Science Club promotes and encourages social science majors and students interested in political science. The organization provides students a place to meet and discuss politics, ranging from job/internship opportunities to political matters in the national and global sectors, and to explore the process of applying to graduate programs. It forms a collection of students interested in the same topics, encouraging political participation, and ensures regular meetings to do so.
Advisor: Heidi Green Political Science Club constitution
Psychology Club
The Psychology Club strives to broaden students' understanding and familiarity within the field of psychology by organizing and conducting seminars, demonstrations, field trips, and sponsoring speakers. The club provides students opportunities to network with each other and with those already employed in the field, and to discuss issues and current events directly related to psychology and other closely related fields. They apply psychological perspectives by being involved in community outreach.
Advisors: Cindy Sledge Lori Richter Bethany Watkins Psychology Club constitution
Radiology Student Association (RSA)
The Radiology Student Association strives to improve communication between radiology program students and the community, to model professionalism, to provide members with knowledge of the radiology field, and to expand community knowledge of radiation safety and healthy living.
Advisors: Lindsey Brockhan Kathy Whitfield Viet Nguyen Radiology Student Association constitution
Robotics Club
Exploring robotics for fun and in competition.
Advisors: Yiheng Wang Robotics Club constitution
Running Club
The purpose of this organization is to promote running at LSC-CyFair College and compete against other colleges and universities.
Advisors: Patricia Cagle Sarah Morgan Patrick Barton Running Club constitution
Singers Club
The purpose of the Lone Star College-CyFair Singers is to support educational and social opportunities for students enrolled in any of the vocal courses or programs.
Advisors: Paulo Gomes Christina Smith Singers Club constitution
Student Activities Board (SAB)
The purpose of SAB shall be to assist the Office of Student Life in providing events throughout the year for LSC-CyFair.
Advisor: Dallas Brown Contact: SAB Email
Student Government Association (SGA)
The Student Government Association seeks to strengthen outreach efforts between students and Lone Star College-CyFair by creating a vehicle for effective communication.
Contact: SGA Email Advisors: Dan Mitsven Dallas Brown Student Government Association constitution
Student Organization of Allied Health Professionals (SOAHP)
The purpose of SOAHP is to guide students that want to pursue careers as health professionals, providing them with career advising, community service and shadowing hours if needed. Our goal is to help students with their future school's prerequisites and applications necessary to achieve their dream career, in addition to academic guiding and standardized testing preparation.
Advisor: Poorvi Sandesara SOAHP constitution
Student Political Advocacy Club (SPAC)
SPAC is dedicated to fostering a well-informed and actively engaged student body through civil discourse, nonpartisan education, and advocacy. Our mission is to promote voter participation, deepen understanding of federal and state laws, and build awareness of the roles and responsibilities of elected representatives. We strive to create a space where students cna respectfully exchange ideas, learn about pressing political issues, and develop the skills necessary to make meaningful contributions to their communities and the democratic process. By empowering students with knowledge and opportunities for engagement, we aim to strengthen the foundation of civic responsibility for all.
Advisor: Miranda Ashworth SPAC constitution
Tabletop Club (Board Game Club)
The LSC-CyFair Tabletop Club was formed to integrate students of LSC-CyFair interested in board and card games, to introduce this community to games new and old that will broaden their scope of this particular genre of gaming, and to have fun doing it! The club also aims to go beyond the campus of by getting involved with organizations that support youth programs of the same nature.
Advisor: Christopher Divin Tabletop Club constitution
Tennis Team
The purpose of this organization is to promote tennis at LSC-CyFair and compete against other colleges and universities.
Coach: (vacant) Contact: Rec Sports
Vietnamese Student Association (VSA)
The purposes of this organization shall be to (1) create a platform for students to connect and learn about Vietnamese culture; (2) provide opportunities for enhanced understanding of Vietnamese language, history, cuisine, music, dance, and fashion; and (3) create a spirit of community between Vietnamese students and students interested in Vietnamese culture.
Advisor: Michelle Tran Vietnamese Student Association constitution
Women in STEM (dormant)
This organization seeks to engage more women in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Women of STEM aims to facilitate their growth and familiarize them with STEM. Although the organization focuses on women, any other gender/sex is welcome to join.
Advisor: Student Life Women in STEM constitution
Women's Basketball Team
The purposes of this organization are to participate in team sports, develop social skills, demonstrate sportsmanship both on and off the court, have fun, be physically active, and play inter-league basketball games against other clubs and colleges.
Coach: (vacant) Contact: Rec Sports
Women's Soccer Team
The purposes of this organization are to participate in team sports, develop social skills, demonstrate sportsmanship both on and off the field, have fun, be physically active, and play inter-league soccer games against other clubs and colleges.
Coach: Joshue Aguirre Contact: Rec Sports
Women's Volleyball Team
The purposes of this organization are to participate in team sports, develop social skills, demonstrate sportsmanship both on and off the court, have fun, be physically active, and play inter-league volleyball games against other clubs and colleges.
Coach: David Peters Contact: Rec Sports